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The bastard



Argentina is like a bastard son between most of the European countries. The immigration after and before the first and second world war took with them all their ideologies, so much as anarchists and socialist that found their death, Nazis, fascists and Russians Bolsheviks (that were chased after because of what happened in Russia and feared the same happening here), and so many other things.

Argentinians are pointed as Nazis in most cases; as racist, discriminants and to think of ourselves superiors. To don't look at themselves like the rests, like If we were "a different raze" in south America. Maybe that was what made Argentina never break relationships with Germany or Russia in bad times of them with the World.

That pic behind Diego is real, was taken when the Nazis came and were celebrated with the streets of Buenos Aires adorned with the Nazi and Argentine flag decorating all the view. And more of 20.000 people went to see their celebration at the Luna Park.

What the Nazis were celebrating in Argentina?

They were celebrating the annexation of Austria to the third Reich.

Argentina was called "friend" in the German newspapers and an adept to the cause.

Argentina never signed alliance to Germany neither to the Allies, till the last moment when signed with the allies. Diego always made clear he would be by the side of the winners, but not till the end, because he needed to maintain even in war commerce with Germany and others, since he was his biggest customer.

Meanwhile Argentina took all benefits it could from be neutral. UK was mad at the behaviour of Argentina, meanwhile USA only asked for all information Argentina could give, which Argentina always gave even in order and perfectly dated. Thing that UK hated the most. Only problem was a canciller that made an scandal and was kicked out, for be selling information, and Germany asked forgiveness for that to Arg. Too, later some others mistakes taking down Argentines navies, that Germany payed for all the damages.

That happened that since Arg was neutral, UK and US used the Argentine flag for to disguise their own ships, and so, two or three Argentines navies were taken down by mistake. But Argentina just asked to replace all the damage caused and to say sorry formally.

Diego, Argentina, is what is said, a guy that wants to be in good terms with God and the Devil. But most of all, a country that always wanted to do what he wanted. To never be manipulated for no one; not for Germany nor for the allies. So, I guess the real reason Argentina did all that, was for to show independence, being the only country in latinoamerica into act that way those times. Not wanting to collaborate in the WW.

Not only Argentina had a Nazi office, but an Argentine was member of the court of Hittler. Even the San Lorenzo march was played for them when there was a victory. Since argentina was very of to like, and implement, the Prussian model of military, the march was gifted to Germany and in exchange they gave to Argentina "Alte Kameraden" (Viejos camaradas/ Old camarades).

I own chars and story.


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Phloio's avatar
Disculpá la preguntita, pero vos vivís en Buenos Aires?

No tomés a la Capital como si fuera toda la nación. No todo el pueblo es así.

Y me parece que acá estás confundiendo un poco las cosas. Una cosa es la relación que los gobiernos (sí, los GOBIERNOS y no el país en general) tuvieron con el Reich. Pero otra muy distinta es decir (prácticamente) que nuestro paíz es nazi (Por que decir que nos creemos una raza superior y que somos los más discriminatorios de Lationamérica es decir que somos nazis). Ese cinismo del que hablás es algo propio del continente, menospreciar a los propios antepasados por tener delirios de grandeza e imitar a la sociedad europea que tanto admirás (y que, que yo sepa, no es nada de lo perfecta)

Gracias a Dios que no todos tenemos el pesimismo que mostrás. Si no, Dios nos libre, porque así Argentina y Sudamérica no va a progresar nunca.

Y no me hagás reir, con eso de que no nos dejamos manipular....el mundo es muy pequeño después de todo, y está bien clarito quiénes son los pocos que mandan, lamentablemente.

Ya sé que me vas a decir que estas son características del personaje que no necesariamente representan a todo el país (lo cual me parece irónico). Por eso mismo no tenía ganas de comentar.

Pero me indigné.
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